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Common Types Of Workplace Gender Bias


Gender inequality is problem that spans multiple industries. Whether you are working in the tech industry, in an accounting firm or as a barista in a Fort Lauderdale coffee shop, you might experience or witness gender bias at work. For women working in male-dominated workplaces, gender bias can creates an atmosphere of discrimination that can make the workplace toxic.

There are several kinds of gender bias that occur more frequently than others. In order to take preventive measures, watch for these common examples of gender bias in the workplace.

Different pay scales

Unequal pay has been a problem for many years, with very little progress being made. The reason for this is that it is a problem at every level of employment from entry level positions all the way to high-ranking government positions. You have probably heard politicians promising to fight for equal pay during campaign months, but very little has actually been done thus far to solve the problem.

Different interview tactics

If you go into an interview and the person with whom you are meeting asks you if you have children or if you are planning to have children, it could be a solid bet that the interviewer did not ask a male candidate these questions. In fact, it's likely illegal for an interviewer to ask such questions. Family-planning decisions have no bearing on the kind of skill set you are bringing to the table.

Disparities in responsibilities

If your responsibilities are less than a male counterpart in the same position, this could be a sign of gender bias. Your employer may not think you are as capable of fulfilling all of the duties associated with the position due to your gender. However, two people in the same position should have equal responsibilities regardless of sex or gender.

The glass ceiling

If male employees seem to be favored for promotions and female employees can't seem to get past the ranks of lower management, there is probably a problem. When it comes to skills and performance, both male and female employees should have the same opportunities for raises and promotions. Gender is not an accurate indicator of whom is more skilled or has the ability to successfully take on high level management roles.

If you are experiencing gender bias in the workplace, you might be able to take steps to fight back against such discrimination. There could be legal options available for you to take a stand against gender discrimination.

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